Got Snow Camo?

Several months ago we started on an endeavor to attempt adding camo patterns to T/C Encore Pro Hunter stock sets that have not and from what we understand will not be added to the factory T/C synthetic stock lineup. 

After some growing pains along the lines of finding a hydrographics "dipper" we could work with on a sustained basis we believe we have arrived at a very fruitful relationship with a local shop here in Colorado. The result? A very attractive better-than-factory dip job in Mothwing Winter Mimicry for both the Pro Hunter (traditional pistol grip and RH thumbhole with muzzleloader and rifle forends) which are currently available in STOCKSETS only and Dimension (right hand) synthetic stocks. 

The included pictures tell the story and can be seen in greater detail on the main site at I think you'll be as excited as we are about this. Presale 
for these new (EXCLUSIVE) items begins today, 9/17/14 and I am expecting delivery by 9/29/14 so your lead time is about two weeks. No delivery date guarantees plus or minus, but this is the goal. 

Contender G1 AND G2 Now in Stock! 

In the last newsletter I announced the addition of G2 Contender laminate stock sets to the store. Today marks a similar announcement for the G1 Contender laminate stock sets. 

What is the difference? Well for starters, all of the forends are identical for G1 and G2 barrels. However the Gen 1 and Gen 2 Contender frames fit differently into the butt stock requiring an entirely different stock altogether. So for you, Generation 1 Contender guys that have been waiting patiently, our beautiful laminate butt stocks are now available for you in left and right hand configuration!


We recently partnered with a shop in the great state of Ohio to bring you a polymer machined hinge pin removal tool. The tools are for sale individually on the site, but if you purchase a frame or barrel plan on receiving one in your package for free! Our hinge pin removal tool is compatible with both T/C Encore and Contender frames of all designations and generations. 

UPDATE on General Inventory...

Newly manufactured Contender G2 frames are still being made by Smith & Wesson but the issue we're running into is availability from our distributors. Haus of Arms has back orders in with no less than 5 different distributors and we are praying one of them fills an order so we can get to shipping. 

T/C 4510S Bergara 35 Whelen barrels are currently in transit and will be available to me on 10/22/14 hopefully in time for you southern rut hunters and late season midwesterners (sorry for anyone else we're leaving out!). 

T/C 4600S 7mm/08 Bergara stainless barrels will be be available 9/22/14.

Straight Wall Case Rifles Information:

Due to state regulation changes in both Ohio and Michigan the use of straight wall case chambered guns has really upped demand for 460 S&W and 45/70 Government creating shortages and backorder status in our online store. We are hoping to receive more of these sooner than later but currently have no inventory update to give. 

Don't Forget Trigger Jobs! 

The announcement of our in house trigger jobs for frame assemblies has had a bit of a slow start but well received nonetheless. Check out this picture from one of our completed jobs showing trigger pull reduced to a VERY crisp 3 lbs 4.4 oz with creep and over travel reduced drastically.