Posted by Marty on 1/16/2012 to
Finally here, yes the 2012 Shot Show in Las Vegas, Nevada is finally here.
This year we are participating in a joint venture of sorts with Ebbs over at and working the show together. With his full press crdentials and ability to shoot live video that gave me access to the " Media Day at the Range". Hosted beautifully by the Bolder City Gun Club,this event had over 1200 media members in attendance in live fire demonstrations of all the new products coming out this year.
You wonder what I'm doing, well that is easy, I'm the cameraman for Ebbs, and according to prevailing union rules, I get extra pay for holding the camera still while being pelted with live brass. What a blast!!!Check out his reviews over at and you might even see me in a demo.
Thanks for reading and be safe.