This weeks topic is about performing a trigger job on your Thompson center Encore frame. Can you do it? Will it work? Should you have it done? A standard Encore or Pro Hunter factory frame comes with a trigger pull of anywhere from 4 1/2 lbs to 6 lbs. This is a bit on the stiff side if your trying to achieve maximum accuracy from your Encore. A much lighter pull of 3-3 1/2 lbs is much crisper and will lead to greater accuracy. Here is what I did. With the help of my son "Ebbs" over at we researched this subject and took the following approach: 1) We bought a DVD done by Russell Lynch, a protoge' of Mike Bellm, on the subject of "How to Accurize your TC Encore". The cost was under $20 on Ebay. We reviewed his DVD and decided that we could to do this work ourselves. 2) We then went to Mike Bellm's website at and placed an order for the tool kit, which I highly recommend, and a couple of spring kits. Our goal was a 3lb trigger pull. Along with the tool kit came a printed set of instructions complete with pictures. 3) "Ebbs" and I got together, reviewed the Russell Lynch DVD again, read the Bellm instruction book and began work on our project. Results; We followed the direction to the letter, the pictures were good but difficult to discern placement of some of the very small parts. We got it back together, without any "extra" parts, mounted it to the stockset, installed the barrel, and employed my newly purchased Lyman trigger pull guage. It Worked! I mean not only did it function properly but the weight of the trigger pull was just a hair over 3 lbs. We performed the suggested "push off" test on the cocked hammer and it worked as well. Sounds like a happy ending, BUT, and there is always a but. On subsequent trigger jobs that I did on MY OWN frames I came across a problem. The "push off" test failed. What this means is that when your rifle is reassembled, including barrel, you cock the hammer and then apply "moderate " force forward in an attempt to make the hammer fire without touching the trigger. A very unsafe situation should the weapon fire if bumped, dropped or mishandled in any way. I discovered to be the result of the filing work done to the seer. The directions were very clear about the importance of accuracy,in the process of polishing those surfaces. The fix is to get a new seer ($15) from Thompson Center and start over. Conclusion: Yes you can do it! I did. If you doubt your own mechanical abilities, have poor vision, hands aren't as steady as they once were, or are paranoid about safety as I am then I suggest having the process done. There are a number of quality places to have the job done and I have already mentioned a couple. Just a thought though so bare with me for a moment. A compromise of sorts is my new approach to this work. I do the entire process EXCEPT the polishing work on that nasty seer part. I did a trigger job yesterday on my new frame, installed all the parts, reassembled and tested. 3 lbs and 3 ounces trigger pull!!!! No safety issues. And most important to me, I sleep well at night. Shoot straight and be safe. Marty